British Castles

Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle is a magnificent castle that stands high above its surroundings, a natural highground, perfect to place a castle if you want to rull the kingdom. being on a steep cliff made it a perfect spot to hold a fortifcation to protect you from enemies and it really was. the view from the top allowed the ruler perfect site of what was happening in his kingdom. The hilly rockside it stands on is "Castle Rock" and has been occupied by man since the iron age. The royal castle on the rock has been there since the 12th century. it served welll up into the 17th century as a home to royalty before it started to change its primary use to a military one, as a barracks with a large garrison of men stationed there. It is one of Scotland's national treasures and its heritage is so important to the people of Scotland.

As far as Scottish castles go, it is one of the most important in Scotland. It is stooped in a wealth of history. Such events like the great "War of Scottish Independence in the 14th century. At the death of the King Alexander III in 1286, the throne became vacant. Edward I of England saw this as the perfect oppurtunity to become the ruler of Scotland. Come March in 1296, Edward I decided to invade Scotland which brang the First War of Scottish Independence, were Edinburgh Castle soon came under Edwards grasp, after three days of heavy bombardment which saw Edward use his newest toys, these war machines such as Trebuchets and Catapults pummel the castle into submission. Once he sacked the castle, he proceeded to move the Scottish treasures stored away in the castle, down to England. He established a large garrison there and with the help of his castle builders, strengthened the castles fortifcations.

Upon Edwards Death in 1307, Englands control over scotland started to unclasp. This is recorded in the history as the story of the night surpprise attack by Thomas Randolph, 1st Earl of Moray, recapturing the castle. Thirty hand-picked men were guided by the spritly fellow William Francis, a memeber of the old garrison who said he knew a way to get into the castle that would avoid a massive siege of the castle and the loss of many lives. He told Thomas Randolph that there was a way up north face of Castle Rock and that it could be climbed, The castles "backdoor" that the English garrison would not be aware of. So Randolphs men took up the task to scale the castle wall and break into the castle, subdue the guards, open the main gate, and proceeded to murder the English in their sleep where they lay.

Robert the Bruce ordered his mean to slight the castle upon its sacking, so that to prevent any further english occupation of the castle. and four months later, his army secured perhaps Soctlands most famous victory at the "Battle of Bannockburn" Shortly After Bruce's death in 1329, now king of England, Edward III sort to resubjugate Scotland, and sort for Edward Balliol, the son of former King John Balliol, over that of Bruce's young son David II. So Edward invaded Scotland once again in 1333, which marked the starting point for the Second War of Scottish Independence. and in 1335 the english forces reoccupied the rundown Edinburgh Castle were they held it until 1341. The second assult and sacking of the castle was led by William Douglas, and his party disguised themselves as a merchant from Leith bringing supplies to the garrison. Driving the cart up to the entrance, they halted it there to prevent the gates from closing shut, but not far away, a large number of men hidden, were ready to help fight and overthrow the English. From the 100 English men that were stationed at the castle, 0 returned with their lives, were they were all killed.

Amoung over historical event that took place there. it saw the construction of David's Tower. were the story of the "Black Dinner" took place. This was when Sir William Crichton sort to gain regency of Scotland, tried to break the nobel Douglas bloodline. He invited a sixteen year old William Douglas, and his youger brother to dinner to the castle, only to place trumped-up charges in the presence of King James II in Novemember 1440, The two young princes were executed for their apparent crimes. In the 16th century, it saw Mary Queen of Scots live there. it aslwo saw a great feast in the halls where King Charles I stayed the night before his coronation in 1633. Later on in life the castle, when the castle was no longer a home for royalty, it had multiple uses. it was used as a prison. There was a massive prison break that took place in 1811, which saw 49 prisoners of war managing to escape through a tiny hole in the south wall. Three years later, the use as a prison was ceased.

Nowadays you can go to Edinburgh castle and enjoy the sites, and witness the "One O'Clock Gun" being fired everyday at 1pm excepting, Sundays Good Friday and Christmas Day. Edinburgh Festival draws in lots of crowds, and with millions of tourists wishing to see the many sites of Edinburgh, the Castle that stands upon Castle Rock is one of the greatest attractions around.


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